Cash On Delivery

Pick Up Time From MTC is 2:30!
Missionaries can send home boxes of items they do not wish to take into the mission field. Items can be sent home C.O.D. (cash on delivery) for $7.00 a box any size! The box will be shipped to the drop-off location nearest the parents, we will contact the person the box is addressed to letting them know their Missionary has sent them home a package! The package can be paid for at the drop-off location. This helps not only missionaries having to bring boxes and bags to the airport, but families who will have to carry those boxes and bags home.
Labels are available in MTC mail room!
Information required on any package being sent home through MTCdelivery.com
1. Missionary's Full Name
2. Name of Person Box is Going To
3. Phone Number of Person Box is Going To
4. Drop Off Location Nearest the Person Box is being sent back to